About Directorate of Jammu Tourism
- About J&K Tourism
- Directorate of Tourism
- Organizational Chart
- Functions of Directorate
- Who's Who
- Orders/Notifications

Contact Us
Please feel free to reach us at the following contact information:
For further information lease contact-
Director Tourism Jammu:Tel: +91 2520409/2548172
Fax: +91 191 2548358
Email: directortsm.jmu@jk.gov.in/dirtsmjmu@gmail.com
Director Tourism Kashmir:
Tel: +91 194 2479548
J&K Tourist Offices at:-
Jammu Airport:⇒
- Tel: +91 191 2431917
- Tel: +91 191 2476078
- Tel: +91 1922 285037
- Bus Stand Tel/Fax: +91 1991 232005
- Tel: +91 1992 287503
- Tel/Fax: +91 1998 244243
- Tel: +91 194 2472449/2452690-91
- Fax: +91 194 2452361
- Tel: +91 11 23744948
- Fax: +91 11 23744947
- Email: jaktour@ndfvsnl.net.in
Kolkata:⇒ Tel/Fax: +91 194 33-22285791
Chenneai:⇒ Tel/Fax: +91 194 44 2834095
Ahmedabad:⇒ Tel/Fax: +91 194 79-25503551
Hyderabad:⇒ Tel/Fax: +91 194 40 24734806